act for freedom
act for freedom
What’s going on in Italy?
Concentration camps for immigrants where torture is the rule, arrests of anarchists all over the country, police raids and the storming of solidarity demonstrations.
While deportation and murder of immigrants have become everyday events, a great number of anarchists are now under investigation following the nth judicial frame-up, and many of them are in jail.
It is the State’s revenge against those who have always struggled against the brutal system of deportation and in solidarity with prisoners and the exploited.
This pamphlet is a contribution to exposing what’s going on in Italy and is in solidarity to all the comrades in jail.
While deportation and murder of immigrants have become everyday events, a great number of anarchists are now under investigation following the nth judicial frame-up, and many of them are in jail.
It is the State’s revenge against those who have always struggled against the brutal system of deportation and in solidarity with prisoners and the exploited.
This pamphlet is a contribution to exposing what’s going on in Italy and is in solidarity to all the comrades in jail.
Aug 21, 2010 Read the whole text...
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Anarchist Pamphlets
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