act for freedom
What’s going on in Italy?

Concentration camps for immigrants where torture is the rule, arrests of anarchists all over the country, police raids and the storming of solidarity demonstrations.
While deportation and murder of immigrants have become everyday events, a great number of anarchists are now under investigation following the nth judicial frame-up, and many of them are in jail.
It is the State’s revenge against those who have always struggled against the brutal system of deportation and in solidarity with prisoners and the exploited.
This pamphlet is a contribution to exposing what’s going on in Italy and is in solidarity to all the comrades in jail.

After Trikala

Yet one more episode in the chronicles of repression is now well-known to all: on October 1 [2009] Alfredo Bonanno (from Italy) and Christos Stratigopoulos (from Greece), two anarchists who have already been hit by repression on a number of occasions, were arrested in Greece following a robbery, and imprisoned in the small town of Amfissa. We all agree on much-debated points such as the attack on this system of exploitation that builds jails and represses every form of rebellion, and are for the total destruction of all prisons. We also agree that support and solidarity be given to imprisoned comrades everywhere. We want all our comrades free, along with each and every rebel currently detained in the dungeons of whatever State and, having our own concept of social retribution, are against prison even for our enemies.
Yet one more episode in the chronicles of repression is now well-known to all: on October 1 [2009] Alfredo Bonanno (from Italy) and Christos Stratigopoulos (from Greece), two anarchists who have already been hit by repression on a number of occasions, were arrested in Greece following a robbery, and imprisoned in the small town of Amfissa. We all agree on much-debated points such as the attack on this system of exploitation that builds jails and represses every form of rebellion, and are for the total destruction of all prisons. We also agree that support and solidarity be given to imprisoned comrades everywhere. We want all our comrades free, along with each and every rebel currently detained in the dungeons of whatever State and, having our own concept of social retribution, are against prison even for our enemies.

For an Anti-authoritarian Insurrectionalist International Proposal for a debate

At a time when the Mediterranean region is involved in political games worse perhaps than ever before it is important to reflect on the social, economic and political conditions that are intermingling and interacting, producing situations of extreme tension but also opening up a vast field of intervention to all revolutionaries.
We consider the form of struggle best suited to the present state of class conflict in practically all situations is the insurrectional one, and this is particularly so in the Mediterranean area. By insurrectional practice we mean the revolutionary activity that intends to take the initiative in the struggle and does not limit itself to waiting or to simple defensive responses to attacks by the structures of power.

Let’s turn the city to ashes A collection of writings by and for a fallen comrade

In the early hours of 22 May 2009, a bicycle moves through a cold Santiago night. A comrade carries in his rucksack an insurrectional dream. He’s carrying a homemade bomb and his single objective becomes clearer with each pedal: attack the school of the Gendarmeria. Around 1.30 in the morning, he makes his last stop, only one block separates him from completing the action. But in an instant, an unexpected accident sets off the detonation. The Bomb that should have gnashed in the face of the powerful, when activated threw the body of the compañero Mauricio Morales Duarte to the middle of the street. Mauri was, and is, an anarchist comrade. Actually, an anarchist apprentice as he jokingly liked to call himself. We are not looking to glorify or create blind admiration for our friend by means of this text: on the contrary, we are adamant that Mauri does the speaking. His own words will do the describing. Brother Mauri, this is for you...

Solidarity with anarchist comrades arrested in Greece

The somewhat hasty and long overdue compilation of this pamphlet is the consequence of a deadline, a solidarity gig in London to be held on July 5 [2007]. The experience has been intense, one could say a labour of love. Reading and setting out the words of the imprisoned comrades has been a way of knowing them and being fired by their courage and passion for freedom. For a moment the walls within walls, locked doors upon locked doors, endless corridors and claustrophobic cells disappear in an embrace of free spirits. That brings us to the question of solidarity, and this pamphlet should also be seen as a contribution in that direction, in the eternal debate on the practice of solidarity.